try something different
wasn't that good there was no intensity, it was explained by someone who sounded bored. The art was also pretty sub-par. The joke(s) weren't that good.
(and before you ask, I saw it)
try something different
wasn't that good there was no intensity, it was explained by someone who sounded bored. The art was also pretty sub-par. The joke(s) weren't that good.
(and before you ask, I saw it)
I see your one step ahead of me. I would switch, but I have banked nearly 1.6k off of 5 minutes of work, your advice has been noted and my next venture in this field will be as intense as you want it to be.
its was pretty basic for kinetic typography. This was a good starting point to improve by doing something else with the letters, more movement, be creative!
I saw what you meant. very cool!
I know for next time eh! thx a bunch!
Really good. Personally I think its great but do you think your style
is really... marketable?
Ummm... Probrably not for all audiences! I do plan on making some more appealing animations eventually...
The fps was way too low it really killed everything else.
For the next one try to make it a little more fluid.
ok i will keep that in mind
the animation was abysmal and the fact it was pretty long made it even more apparent that nothing was going on. The audio sounded like it was in a box. would have voted higher if the subtitles were not full of errors. And putting yourself in an animation and having everyone say your great just makes you look bad
interesting, first the name had meaning, was cactuar hum and the party that once meant what it was, not quite so great so come until 2673 frames ... constintuindo by scenes if you want choices ahead xd.
the sound was the microphone, I'm not English, the subtitles were made in the port translator-eng ...
misspelled captions is funniest
I say good on me? it was a joke [] []
for all the people of newgrounds:
my flash in the reviews is 1 means that on 1 vote almost always starts in score was still 10 ... so I am saying
is he a suppository?
sexual innuendo's aside that was masterfully executed. my only problem was the voice acting, some parts seemed like they should have been louder or at least have a difference between when they are screaming and when they are not because it just seems like they are over-acting
thanks for the review!
yeah about the voices, i was affraid to actually shout into the mic when i was recording, because my neighbors a mad man and we have seriously hollow walls, so it would be embarrassing shouting the same line ten times for all to hear :P
i'll try to overcome it though, if i ever make another flash
the graphics were so-so but it was totally saved by the audio and the storyline.
the 5 dollars turns into a 10 when the skeleton grabs it. Is that intentional?
Yeah, that was intentional. I was originally going to end it there as a cheesy set up for a sequel called "Oh Boy, Ten Dollars!", but instead, I decided just to keep it going until the song was finished.
Joined on 3/21/09